1. Dermatovenereologie voor de eerste lijn :
Author: dr. J.H. Sillevis Smitt, dr. J.J.E. van Everdingen, prof. dr. H.E. van der Horst, drs. M.V. Starink, dr. M. Wintzen, prof. dr. J. Lambert.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Dermatology.,Family medicine.,Medicine.,Dermatology.,Family medicine.,HEALTH & FITNESS / Holism.,HEALTH & FITNESS / Reference.,MEDICAL / Alternative Medicine.,MEDICAL / Atlases.,MEDICAL / Essays.,MEDICAL / Family & General Practice.,MEDICAL / Holistic Medicine.,MEDICAL / Osteopathy.,Medicine.
Classification :

2. Payroll, A Guide to Running an Efficient Department
Author: V.M.Lambert
Library: Library and Documentation Center of Kurdistan University (Kurdistan)
Subject: ، Social Sciences,، HG - Finance,، HG 1004-5824 - Finance Management,Business Finance
Classification :